Un grand chalet illuminé de nombreuses lumières au tomber du jourUn coin de salon avec deux tableaux, une table basse en cuivre, un canapé blanc, et un tapis en fourrure blanc
Le Chalet icon
Le Chalet, located in the heart of Megève in the French Alps, is a showroom and gallery that provides a new understanding of architecture and decoration for mountain housing.
Le Chalet introduces an innovative concept that brings together, in one location, several recognized talents, each in their domain:
  • Bismut & Bismut

    Architects and Designers

  • Groupe Dunoyer

    Wood and Construction

  • Groupe Duret

    Smart Housing

Designer wooden columns for decorationWorker making a wooden tableWhite lighted wall and ceiling with a contemporary design styleA circular rug made of white fur
4 pictures of wooden columns for decoration, of a worker making a wooden table, of a white rug made of fur, and of a wall and ceiling in a contemporary design style


Le Chalet icon
3 & 11 Rue Saint-François, 74120 Megève
Le Chalet icon
+33 4 50 90 95 90
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© Meringue Studio